向小军真的让人respect 但球球节目组不要再搞了 挑战极限one more try推广滑板的同时真的不想大家出事...
不管情节是否真的make sense 但是至少'尚气'是一个很正面的华人超级英雄 对国外生活的小孩子来说涩涩ECHO是很不错的形象里面关于中国人家庭的一些描述也很有代表性
"Just how happy I am, in this moment,right now.The way the light's hitting face of yours,there's little breeze coming in through the window.It doesn't matter if I have 10,000 more moments like this or,just this one,because…it's all the same.Right now, this moment,I have this."